Podcast Ep#6:Living with Perimenopause, PMDD and ADHD in Portugal:Maceo’s Story
Maceo lives with PMDD, ADHD and perimenopause, and yes, it’s a struggle, but she can still find reasons to smile.
On episode number six of the podcast, my guest is Maceo Estevez Cabrera. Maceo is a 45-year-old Cuban-American woman who recently relocated from California to Portugal with her husband and two young children. Maceo is the founder and owner of Booklandia, an online bookstore that specializes in bilingual books in Spanish and English for children and teens.
Living with Perimenopause, PMDD and ADHD
Maceo joins me on My Bloody Hell to share her story about the challenges of living with perimenopause and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and then being diagnosed with ADHD! Even though Maceo says she honestly only experiences one week out of every month where she actually feels “good,” she has still figured out how to find joy in the little things in her life. And she’s even found a way to be grateful for what perimenopause has taught her about staying present in the here and now.
During the episode Maceo talks about:
• What Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is and what it looks like in real life.
• How her Cuban heritage impacts her relationship with her mother and their conversations about periods and perimenopause.
• What it’s like to be diagnosed with ADHD in your 40s
• How ADHD makes perimenopause symptoms worse
• Why she moved to Portugal in the midst of a global pandemic and perimenopause
More Menopause Inspiration and Information
If you’d like to find out more about Maceo and/or her company Booklandia, visit Booklandia.co or follow Booklandia on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
If you’d like to read more about perimenopause and ADHD, particularly how to manage the two simultaneously, check out this article about menopause and ADD from ADDitude magazine.
For a definition of Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), check out this definition of PMDD from the Cleveland Clinic.
Next week’s episode of the podcast will be our Halloween themed show. Check out episode number three for a hint about what type of witchy tales I’ll be telling.
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Disclaimer: Lori L. Tharps is not a doctor, nor any other type of medical professional, therefore do not use anything you hear on this podcast as a substitute for verifiable medical advice and information. Always check with your doctor or health care provider if you have any medical questions or concerns regarding menopause or any other health-related issue.