Podcast Ep#12:Tracking Your Menopause Journey
Keeping track of menopause symptoms can be done with an app, or with good ol’ pen and paper.
Episode 12 of the podcast is a short but important show with an actionable message. We’re going to be talking about the importance of tracking our menopause journey, from a health perspective and a growth mindset perspective. The fact is, by keeping track of our physical and emotional symptoms, as well as our evolving state of mind through this transition process, a woman can really improve and optimize her perimenopause experience. On the show, not only will I be sharing three key reasons why you should be tracking all aspects of your menopause journey, but I’ll also offer some tips and techniques on how you can keep track as well.
Links from the Show
If you’re interested in investigating some of the new perimenopause apps that were designed to help women keep track of their perimenopause symptoms, here are a few: (Note: I have not tried any of these apps and my listing them here is not an endorsement. Please do your own thorough investigations before using these apps.)
On episode #5 of the My Bloody Hell podcast, my guest Lisette Austin talked about using the Caria app and how it helped her keep track of and manage her symptoms as she dealt with perimenopasue and the grief from losing her father.
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